About us

About us

who are we

Interpretation and Translation Service Experience since 1993

Our Certified Translation Office “Tokay Translation” provides high-quality, accurate, rigorous, preliable and fast certified translation services across Turkey and to Turkish and foreign individual and corporate customers abroad, public institutions, private enterprises, foreign representative offices, associations, organizations and needing and requesting everyone with its professional translator staff and many years of experience and its superior quality in all languages of the world in Yalova Head Office since 2003 under the supervision and control of the General Director of the our agency named Levent TOKAY as a Court Expert Interpreter, who has been interpreter since 1993. “Tokay Translation” has become a brand and it joined our company named “Döşemelik Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.”, which was established in January 2013 and that it continues its activities in the fields of translation and consultancy services as a sub-department of this company, which has been activities also in the sector of textile and foreign trade, and has been awarded 2 export awards in 2014 and 2015.
Our Certified Translation Office “Tokay Translation” provides international services in all languages ​​and in all fields, as having the qualification documents and certificates, that it is one of the leading and top certified translation office of Turkey. Based on the certificate of activity we have thanks to the agreements made through our association with the consulates and foreign representative offices of foreign countries serving in Turkey, our translation office enables its customers to spend less with less bureaucracy, enabling them to perform their transactions more reliably.
Our Translation Center has the capability and ability to respond to the needs and demands of its customers in the most practical way. Our translation office has been continuing its written and oral translation (simultaneous interpretation) services without slowing down, without compromising its quality, with its respected name and brand that it has proudly inscribed in the translation sector for years. It meticulously manages every stage of the service it provides to both national and international customers, and always carries its superior service and translation quality to the top with the principle of zero mistake and correct translation by determining possible risk situations from the beginning. We are always aware and behind and take up what we do. In the field of translation services, we always consider it Our Duty to provide Translation Consultancy services, in other words, to guide our customers in the most accurate and conscious way by following both the country’s legislation and the international legislation related to foreign transactions.
According to the Mission of providing the Highest Quality, Most Accurate, Most Reliable, Most Rigorous, Most Practical Translation Service and in accordance with its main Principles that commit and ensure the privacy of the documents of its customers and do not allow customers to lose time, money and reputation and according to the Vision of being an International Translation Office recognized and known in all countries of the World, it continues to increase its service quality in this field with the References of its Esteemed Customers, who express their satisfaction in translation everywhere.

Kind Regards,
Levent TOKAY
General Director / Head Interpreter / Court Expert

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